Relating to the ocean, so this brings feelings of well being and relaxation. Holding them makes you feel beauty, comfort, caring, delight, love, solace. In China it is known for attracting good fortune and happiness. Brings harmony to all relationships, especially family and motherhood. Stimulates psychic abilities.
Healing – Strengthens Immune System, muscle tissue and heart. Aids digestion. Helps arthritis and joint disorders, allergies and rashes.
Actinolite Mini Quartz (Silver Aura)
Increases self worth & achievement. A stone of small miracles. Restores faith in what is and good fortune. Harmonizes your energy so that you can go with the flow. Opens energy fields so you can accept healing and unblock frozen emotions. At home it creates a sense of contentment and of being blessed. Helps you to see your part in the victim poor me play.
Healing – Good for kidneys, liver, bowels, rashes due to allergies. Aids digestion, mercury or lead poisoning, toxins, parasites and fungus’s.
Aegirine Black
Shows us how to be true to yourself. Helps you to face your karma with confidence and integrity. Protects against psychic and mental attack. Promotes sincerity, integrity and self esteem. Turns negative thoughts to positive. Also helps you to set your goals from your heart. Heals relationship problems and the grief after separation.
Healing – Supports cellular memory, immune, metabolic and nervous systems. Overcomes muscle pain. Removes toxins.
Agate stabilises emotional and physical energy. A soothing and calming stone, working slowly to bring great strength and self-confidence. Improves concentration, heals inner anger and stimulates love and strength so one can move on.
Healing – Transforms negative influences to positive, stimulates digestion, heals eyes, stomach, and uterus, strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.
Agate Banded
Called the earth rainbow it is one of the most ancient of stones. Good for someone who is trying to juggle two jobs. Helps writers to express themselves. Stops the desire for wanting what we do not need.
Agate Blue Lace
A wonderful healing stone that has a soft calming energy bringing peace of mind. Helps to release repressed self expression that stems from the fear of rejection and judgement. Neutralises anger, bringing inner peace.
Healing – Powerful throat healer, lowers fevers, removes blockages of the nervous system. Aids healing of capillaries and pancreas.
Agate Calsilica
Brain and balance. Brings rainbow energy in to cleanse the aura. Adults feel increase in energy, children feel calm when worn.
Healing – Depression and ADD.
Agate Crazy Lace
Called the laughter stone (fiestas and dancing). Regulates your daily energy flow. Overcomes fear of spiders and other crawling insects. Increases self esteem, absorbs emotional pain. Good for uniting people who work together.
Agate Dendritic / Fern like Manganese
A stone of plenitude, providing abundance and fullness in your life. Enhances gentleness and encourages you to enjoy your journey now. Helps to accept whatever is happening now, letting go of worry so you can make changes from trust, not fear.
Healing – Heals nervous system, blood vessels, treats skeletal disorders. Stimulates circulation. Placed on site of pain it provides relief.
Agate Iris
Awakens Inner self and innate truth. Promotes happiness, longevity and good health. Brings serenity and peacefulness of rainbows into your life.
Healing – Disorders of the eyes, skin, hair and nails.
Agate Moss
Strongly connected with nature, it refreshes the soul so you can see the beauty in all that is around you. A birthing stone, it assists midwives and lessons the pain of childbirth. A stone of new beginnings, releases old blockages. A wealth stone, it attracts abundance, improves self-esteem, releases fear and stress. Promotes self expression, encourages trust and hope. Encourages you to give it one more try.
Healing – Speeds up recovery. Anti inflammatory encourages flow of lymph and boosts the immune system. Eliminates depression caused by left-right brain imbalance.
Agate Snakeskin
Provides strength, inner peace and recognition of the joy of living. Brings cheerfulness to the inner self. Manifesting of love of life and self. Eliminates mundane worries. Helps to find lost things.
Healing – Treats hearing problems, stomach disorders, diminish wrinkles and soothes skin.
Agate Tree (chalcedony with dendrite)
Protection for travel by air or car. Put a piece by a photo of estranged family members to call them home. Strengthens family connections.
Healing – Brings peace to a troubled mind. Heals the pain of an unhappy childhood. Clears energy blockages, fluid retention, vein and capillary problems. Absorbs pain when placed on the point of the pain.
Agate Water (Enhydro)
Crystal which contains fluid. The fluid is very old and quite pure. It helps you to place yourself in someone else’s shoes so you can understand the other true feelings. This brings empathy, acceptance and helps you to adopt to change without stress. Enhances determination and accelerates metamorphosis of self.
Healing – Assists the body to make the changes needed for health. It helps other crystals to work. Treats conditions related to the degrading of tissues and organs.
Agate White Lace / Peace Agate
Helps you to find your inner strength and bring maturity from understanding not judgement. Harmonises the environment and encourages open and honest communication. Brings joy and renews your passion for life.
Healing – Heart, all muscles, tissues, thymus and skin problems.
Amazonite – Blue-Green / Feldspar Potassium – Silicate
Absorbs stress caused from cell phone, microwaves etc. Filters information through mind into your intuition, very soothing stone, calms the mind and nervous system. Helps you to see both sides of a problem. Alleviates worry and fear.
Healing – Heals and opens heart & throat. Dissipates negative energy and blockages of the nervous system. Good for Osteoporosis, tooth decay & calcium deficiencies. Relieves muscle spasms.
Amber / Fossilised Resin
Cleans and draws disease from the body. Brings stability to life. Warm and bright it encourages spontaneity. Clears depression and enhances creativity. Brings balance and patience enabling you to make positive decisions.
Healing – Brings vitality, absorbs pain, allowing the body to heal itself. Treats Kidneys, spleen, bladder and liver.
Strong healing and cleansing powers. Helps to overcome addictions and blockages of all kinds. Aids sleep. Dispels all negative emotions and brings positive responses.
Healing – Cleanses blood, immune system, skin conditions, cellular disorders, fine tunes metabolism and endocrine system.
Amethyst Pineapples
Looking like turrets of a castle, this stone helps us to reconnect with our childlike qualities by stimulating the imagination. Powerful healer for the family.
Amethyst Red Aura (From the Amazon) Hematite
It has a soft and subtle Spiritual energy. It will bring together your Spiritual self with your physical body. Read Amethyst and Hematite, as these are joined in this beautiful crystal.
Powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine. It is fast and effective especially for long standing illness. Clears tension and calms the mind. Enhances acceptance of oneself and others. Releases blockages making room for new experiences.
Healing – Powerful cleanser for Aura, toxins and blood. Stabilises DNA and oxygenates the body.
Ammolite (Opalised Ammonite Shell)
Represents coming full circle, it has the soul’s path encoded within it, activates personal empowerment. Converts negative energy into a gently flowing positive spiral. It is called the seven colour prosperity stone. It stimulates the flow of Qi life force through the body.
Healing – Overall well-being and longevity, cell metabolism, depression, labour pain, otitis and tinnitus. Stabilises pulse, supports the cranium, inner ear, lungs and limbs.
Ammonite (Sea Animal) – Shell of Aradonite
Help you to see the whole picture from the beginning to the end. Good for architects. A protective stone, gives stability and structure. Encourages our survival instinct. Good for the process of re-birthing. Linked to Akashic records.
Healing – Treats lung and limbs and rectifies degenerative disorders.
Anandalite (Aurora Rainbow)(Divine Bliss from Himalaya)
Enhances self awakening and helps fulfill ones destiny and true potential. Brings joy and happiness; eases disappointment. Works on all Chakras (energy centres) Aids connection to your higher knowing.
Healing – Energy Vibration healing throughout the whole body.
Angel Phantom (Amphibole) Brazil
Used to make contact with the higher realms and angelic beings. This crystal has a beautiful sweet energy that resonates strongly with the higher chakras. A smooth, peaceful energy that helps you to let go of negativity and keep a positive outlook.
Angelite (A form of Celestite) – Anhydrite
A stone of awareness, peace & brotherhood. Helps you to speak your truth, become more compassionate. Creates a great feeling of peace & tranquillity. Raises awareness, stimulates healing & facilitates telepathic contact. Enhances astrological understanding.
Healing – Unlocks mericlians when put at the feet. Helps to balance thyroid, repairs tissues & blood vessels. A diuretic it is useful in weight control.
Antigorite (variety of Serpentine)
Stimulates the structure of your life. Releases negativity from the body. Activates your intuition. Assists in the removal from the etheric body, attachment from yourself to another. Brings change and positive loving energy to all things.
Healing – Spinal alignment, correction to cellular disorders, releases toxins from the body.
Apache Gold
Aligns the bodies magnetism with the earth’s magnetism. Enhances your sensitivity to earths energy and your connection to the planet. Prevents emotional and physical burnout.
Apache Tears – Black Obsidian (USA, Mexico)
They heal grief and provide protection and grounding. They occur naturally in these odd shapes. Legend has it that when the Apache were outnumbered, rather than be captured they jumped off the cliff to their deaths. The women of the tribe cried dark tears of grief, which fell to the earth and formed these shapes.
Healing – Strengthen the body and immune system. Helps you to assimilate Vitamin C and D. Reduces toxins in the body and calms muscle spasms.
Apatite – Calcium Phosphate
A stone of manifestation. It increases motivation and builds energy reserves. Clears confusion eases tension, anger, apathy and sorrow. Overcomes emotional exhaustion by clearing negative beliefs about oneself.
Healing – Heals bones, encourages formation of new cells. Suppresses hunger and raises metabolic rate. Heals glands meridians and organs.
Stone of truth. Calms & grounds the soul. Overcomes anxiety, worries & fears. Releases suppressed emotions. Abandons pretense & breaks down reserves. Assists Reiki healing by taking the healer out of the way so that the healing energy is purer.
Healing – Works on respiratory system, rejuvenates eyes. Helps the soul come to terms with the physical body.
Apophyllite Green / Sheet Silicate
Activates heart so that matters of the heart become clearer, release old thought patterns from past and the now.
Apophyllite Red
Activates life force with great joy and excitement, a zest for living life to the fullest. Helps people who are unsure about staying here in the physical by stabilizing this lifetime, increases the will to live. Heals emotional and physical disappointment. Supports those with low energy eg. Chronic Fatigue.
Aquamarine Green – Blue
Stone of courage reduces stress & quietens the mind. Harmonises surroundings. A good fortune talisman. Brings tolerance of others. Support when feeling overwhelmed. Breaks old self-defeating patterns.
Healing – Useful for sore throats, swollen gland & thyroid problems. General tonic counteracts short and long sightedness.
This stone teaches patience and acceptance. Encourages practicality and discipline. Enhances concentration and provides support to overcome anger and stress. Calming and stabilising, it restores balance when everything feels out of control.
Healing – It combats disease especially twitching and spasms. Heals bones, elasticity to discs. Strengthens the immune system. Grounds when there are feelings of not being here.
Aragonite Blue
Intuition stone of the heart. Helps you to express yourself clearly and without fear. Good for seer-ship it helps you to connect to your guides. Use to enhance your meditation and spiritual development.
Good for sorting out emotional situations. Helps you to make decisions from the heart not the ego mind.
Astrophyllite (Russia, Norway, Colorado)
This stone illuminates your true self. A tranquil and honest stone, it allows you to make major changes so you can move forward. The marriage stone, it promotes fidelity and truth between partners. Helps those who have had past lives in Atlantis or extra-terrestrial realms to regain past knowledge.
Healing – Helps addictive behaviours.
Atlantasite – Australia
Earth healer bringing peace into the environment. Removes debris from old damage and negativity. Dissolves blockages. Clears and aligns all chakras. Helps you to access out of balance energies and let them flow through your body. Lowers stress levels. Good harmoniser of disputes and brings joy into the physical.
Healing – Good for cellular memory, stress, blood disorders, diabetes and hypoglycemia, helps to keep kidneys and stomach healthy. Blood strengthener. Good for the chronically ill.
Aura Aqua – dipped in gold (USA)
Bonded by electric charge. It has a very high and intense vibration. Releases negativity from emotional and physical bodies. Relieves stress and depression. Calms anger, cools fever, attracts wealth and allows your inner beauty.
Aura Champagne Smokey – Metal- Titanium, Gold and Indium
Dissolves negative energies and emotional blockages. Balances Yin-Yang energy. A protective stone, brings healing and grounding to all bodies.
Aura Copper Orange – Metal – Organic Iron, copper and Bismuth
A fiery combination that amplifies focus, intentions and will. Magnifies all energies and magic. Re-focuses you when you are feeling powerless and unfocused. This stone holds the fire elements and the creative, rising from the ashes like the phoenix.
Aura Pink Rose – Metal- Gold, Platinum and organic compounds.
Powerful healer on all levels: physical, emotional, cellular, psychological and spirit. Brings body into balance. Bestows us with unconditional love. Uplifts your mood. Dissolves anger, brings serene and peaceful state. Repairs auric holes.
Healing – Pineal gland, stimulates immune systems and soothes burns.
Aura Rainbow (White/Angel/Opal) Metal- Silver, Titanium, Platinum
Stimulates and clears all Chakras. Helps communication with Angels. Accesses Akashic records. Strengthens physical body and memory. Stone of happy dreams. Helps with connection to the stars and communicating with other worlds and “star people”. Clears negativity, especially in negative relationships, by allowing you to see your part in the play, so you can release and move on.
Aura Tanzan – Metal- Indium and Gold
Enhances communication and intuition. Stimulates the throat, third eye and crown. Stone of magic, aids in manifestation. Enhanced sense of well being.
Indium gets its name from Indigo. It is said to be the missing link in reversing the aging process. Helps to correct mineral deficiencies.
Healing – Improved blood pressure, weight-loss.
Aura Titanium Smokey
Titanium molecules are bonded to the quartz by natural electro-static charge of the crystal. It is one of the strongest of all metals, it will never rub off or fade.
Good for creativity, removing blockages.
Aventurine – Green Fuchsite / Orange / Pink Hematite
Stone of prosperity. Strong connection to Devic kingdom. Great within gardens. Tape to mobile phone, protects against emanations. Defuses negative situation to positive. Reinforces leadership & decisiveness. Stabilises ones mind stimulates creativity. Calms anger and irritation so you can live from your heart. Promotes sense of well being.
Healing – Benefits thymus gland, nervous system, balances blood pressure, relieves migraines, soothes eyes & skin eruptions.
Helps to submit gratefully to changes. A very good grounding stone, inspires friendship by stabilizing all relationships. Provides a light at the end of the tunnel when all is dark.
Healing – Adrenals, muscular systems. Aligns vertebrae in spine and assists mending breaks and fractures.
Azurite – Blue / Copper Carbonate
Enhances sleep, meditation & clarity of mind. Brings creativity and mental stability. Allows you to communicate freely. Opens your perspectives.
Healing – Thyroid gland, heart & tissue, regeneration, good for unborn babies, mental healing.
Azurite / Malachite / Copper Carbonate
Stimulates the third eye. Raises consciousness to higher levels. Encourages new perspectives and clearer understanding. Expands the mind and releases blocks in communication. Stimulates memory, clears stress, worry, grief and sadness allowing light into any situation. Challenges programmed belief systems so you can move forward without fear.
Healing – Throat problems, arthritis, aligns spine, restores the brain to normal function. Teeth, thyroid, aids detoxing, overcomes muscle cramps.